Category: Quantum mechanics
Domains of Conception
The Borders of Understanding My molecular biologist friend, Barry Bowman, brewed up this stimulating thought: One can understand much about nature without mathematics. Can one understand quantum mechanics only through its arcane mathematics? Can one not comprehend quantum physics other than through its mathematical expression? To explore the thought some agreement is needed on the…
What is Measurement?
The Law of Happen I am reading some papers on the Measurement Problem. What strikes me is how measurement is visualized. It is visualized as taking place in a laboratory. The system – an isolated state – encounters a macroscopic measuring device. In doing so the Hilbert Spaces of the two become entangled. A pointer…
Measurement Problem
A commonplace computational practice in quantum mechanics generates the most profound conceptual challenge to the theory. The challenge is called the measurement problem. Here are some quotes summarizing the problem. “The quantum measurement parodox.. stated succinctly… In quantum mechanics all possibilities… are left open whereas in … experience a definite outcome always (occurs).” A. J.…