Tag: spirituality

  • Thanksgiving

    Remarkably there is a non-denominational holiday devoted to gratitude; Thanksgiving. This year I have been blessed to celebrate it with all four of my children, all of my four grandchildren plus my sister and their families. Here is the picture.

  • Luftmensch

    West Los Angeles in early July of 1977. I find myself caught in the force field of a magnetic man. His name is Arthur Doctor. A Jew. Born in Russia – in Vladivostok – but raised in Detroit. Sixty-two years old. Moderate height. Chunky. Pocked and wrinkled face, long flowing white hair – not quite…

  • Synchronicity

    Likelihood of the Unlikely According to Deirdre Bair, biographer of C. J. Jung, (“Jung”, Little Brown, N.Y. 2003) the term ‘synchronicity’ was introduced by the well known psychologist that was her subject. Synchronicity refers to a confluence of events that is so startling and improbable as to constitute a miracle – usually received as a…

  • Genocide

    The Weed’s View She rejoices in her gardening skills. In her garden she feels herself surrounded by a fragrant beauty that she, herself, nurtured. She had first cleared the ground of all weeds – a painstaking task. Each one had to be individually discovered and pulled out by its roots. So no descendant should have…

  • Off the Road

    Getting Off The Road March 19, 2006 Saturday morning I live in the woods. In a redwood forest. I am driving along the road into the town of Sebastopol this morning. Enjoying the ride. It’s springtime.  Flowering trees and green foliage everywhere. It’s a country road, one lane each way. And quite often in my…

  • God Determines

    The ancient Greek philosopher, Epicurus (around 300 BCE), introduced the world to a conundrum called the Problem of Evil. It says: Since evil exists, God doesn’t. Here is the entire proof: Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able to prevent evil but not willing? Then…

  • Innate Goodness

    The paragraph below is quoted from an interview with Jack Kornfield, popular advocate and teacher on living a spiritual life. “Freud says, ‘Culture has to … erect barriers against the aggressive instincts of men … To love one’s neighbor as oneself is … completely at variance with original human nature ….’ From a Buddhist perspective,…